[QGIS-Developer] Inquiry on Developing Heat Map using QGIS

Nick Bearman nick at nickbearman.com
Tue Sep 10 07:40:40 PDT 2024

Hello Evelyn,

I'm not sure about how to do this. It might be worth emailing the 
journal author (jeanniem at jekyllisland.com) if you haven't already?

If you do get a reply, please share - I am interested to learn too!

Best wishes,

On 05/09/2024 20:36, Alvarez, Evelyn via QGIS-Developer wrote:
> Hello,
> Could someone help guide me through creating a heat map like the one 
> below? (the journal article was too large to attach). Arcgis only 
> allows me to do one for one endpoint/criteria but this journal article 
> used QGIS to generate a heat map that blends two endpoints together.
> Many thanks,
> Evelyn
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Nick Bearman
+44 (0) 7717745715
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