[Qgis-psc] Motion: move to GIT and Redmine

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Wed Apr 6 00:56:39 PDT 2011

Il giorno mer, 06/04/2011 alle 09.39 +0200, Tim Sutton ha scritto: 
> Hi PSC. I would like to send this message below to the developer list
> and push the idea of GIT & redmine migration. I thought it might be
> nice to first poll the psc and see if this idea has majority support
> within the PSC (if it does I would amend the email below to indicate
> as much). If it doesn't and any PSC member has specific objection to
> this proposal can we please discuss here? As such would you please
> indicate:
> a) are you in favour of a migration to GIT
> b) are you happy for me to get the ball rolling by sending out the email below.

Hi Tim.
Thanks for raising this question.
I agree on both issues, provided this is done to simplify the (currently
quite complex) situation, especially as far as the plugins are
concerned. I mean:
- use the same redmine for qgis and for plugins (obviously
differentiating between core and non core)
- use the same git repo (different instances) as a default for external
plugins (of course individual devs could use their own if they
explicitly prefer it)
- move the wiki stuff to the redmine incorporated wiki
- possibly move also other parts to it.
I think all this is important for the project: a newbie, even a skilled
one, has big trouble understanding our current setup.
All the best.

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