[Qgis-psc] Motion: move to GIT and Redmine

Tim Sutton tim at linfiniti.com
Wed Apr 6 01:33:06 PDT 2011


On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 9:56 AM, Paolo Cavallini <cavallini at faunalia.it> wrote:
> Il giorno mer, 06/04/2011 alle 09.39 +0200, Tim Sutton ha scritto:
>> Hi PSC. I would like to send this message below to the developer list
>> and push the idea of GIT & redmine migration. I thought it might be
>> nice to first poll the psc and see if this idea has majority support
>> within the PSC (if it does I would amend the email below to indicate
>> as much). If it doesn't and any PSC member has specific objection to
>> this proposal can we please discuss here? As such would you please
>> indicate:
>> a) are you in favour of a migration to GIT
>> b) are you happy for me to get the ball rolling by sending out the email below.
> Hi Tim.
> Thanks for raising this question.
> I agree on both issues, provided this is done to simplify the (currently
> quite complex) situation, especially as far as the plugins are
> concerned. I mean:
> - use the same redmine for qgis and for plugins (obviously
> differentiating between core and non core)

Yes that would be my suggestion - one redmine instance with many projects in it.

> - use the same git repo (different instances) as a default for external
> plugins (of course individual devs could use their own if they
> explicitly prefer it)

I'm not sure it this will work or make sense. If each redmine project
has its own repo browser, it doesnt really matter where each one is
pointed too. Git idealogy says 1 repo per project, so in github we
would probably have a repo for qgis app, one for docs, one for code
examples etc. All under the QGIS home on github but each one a
separate repo. Third party plugin writers could put their own github
repos up and point their plugin project in redmine to their github
repo. How did you visualise this?

> - move the wiki stuff to the redmine incorporated wiki

Oh! Interesting it would get rid of another resource we maintain but I
don't know how easy that would be. Otto did a lot of work to migrate
to media wiki - lets see what he thinks.

> - possibly move also other parts to it.

Did you have any specific things in mind here?

> I think all this is important for the project: a newbie, even a skilled
> one, has big trouble understanding our current setup.

Agreed its too complex and we should try to streamline things for our
sake and theirs.



> All the best.
> --
> http://www.faunalia.it/pc

Tim Sutton - QGIS Project Steering Committee Member (Release  Manager)
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