[Qgis-psc] Motion: git write access for Denis Rouzaud

Otto Dassau dassau at gbd-consult.de
Sun Sep 8 01:50:59 PDT 2013

Am Thu, 05 Sep 2013 14:55:22 +0200
schrieb Marco Hugentobler <marco.hugentobler at sourcepole.ch>:

> Hi PSCs
> I'd like to propose giving git write access to Denis Rouzaud as new 
> maintainer for the vector editing tools.
> We have now a considerable number of editing tools in src/app, including 
> some fancy features like snapping, rubberbanding, geometry error 
> markers, adding topological points and much more. It will be good having 
> a dedicated person maintaining the existing classes and keeping the 
> overview over new developments.
> Denis is active in the QGIS project since more than a year and provided 
> a number of pull requests ( related to editing, SVG icons and also in 
> other areas of the code). I think he will do a good job in the 
> development team.
> Please vote (obviously +1 for me).
> Regards,
> Marco

+1 Otto

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