[Qgis-psc] Questions on finances

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Thu Jun 26 01:39:45 PDT 2014


Thanks for your reply.

I am not so sure if we can provide access from South-Africa. I don't
know what regulations our bank has regarding access from Non-European
countries. I would have to investigate.

It would be definitely easier if a European volunteer would do the
accounting and payments.

I can volunteer to be a controller/auditor once a year, since I have
access to the account anyway.


Am 26.06.2014 07:42, schrieb Paolo Cavallini:
> Il 25/06/2014 22:07, Andreas Neumann ha scritto:
>> The QGIS-CH group has now opened a bank account with Euro currency to
>> clearly separate the money from QGIS-CH and the international project.
> Thanks a lot for this, much appreciated.
>> It is, however, unclear how accounting and payments would work. We can
>> allow the international project full access to the bank account, but as
>> I understood Paolo he does not want to do accounting and asks Horst to
>> do the accounting.
>> I think that this situation is not ideal. The person financially in
>> charge should do the full job, including
>> * accounting
>> * payments
>> * financial reports each year or on request
>> * dealing with sponsors
>> Two other persons should be controllers/auditors to check the accounting
>> once a year.
>> Horst is not keen on doing accounting and payments, esp. if he is not
>> really mandated by the international QGIS project to do so.
> Quite understandable.
>> Can the PSC please discuss this situation and inform me what I should do
>> regarding the bank account. Which person should have access? Should this
>> person have full access or read-only access. I checked with the bank and
>> it seems that there is read-only access as well - despite my initial
>> thoughts.
> That's good news. My preference would be to have read-only access, and having an
> accountant that manages the account and does the payments and the reports. I'm happy
> to deal with sponsors (and I think we should have a single contact point for sponsors
> and donors).
> Tim offered to help with this: Tim, is your offer still valid?
> All the best, and thanks again.

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