[Qgis-psc] Pull Req management (was: Fwd: [QGIS Application - Bug #4175] "outline: simple line" layer...

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Tue May 6 07:43:10 PDT 2014

Il 05/05/2014 13:25, Paolo Cavallini ha scritto:
> Il 04/05/2014 01:11, Anita Graser ha scritto:
>> If we can afford it and the PRs fix bugs then I think we should do it.
>> Do you think it makes sense to set up a budget plan based on the
>> release schedule where we could have estimates about money spent on
>> fixes before the releases and see how fast/slow we are burning through
>> our funds? Or do we already have this information somewhere?
> Thanks for your votes.
> As already mentioned, the main problem is that we do not have direct view access to
> the bank account, so I have to ask to the Treasurer.
> However, as Tim suggested, we can go on with the funds available, and solicit for
> more donations when needed (e.g. before a release, to fix blockers).
> This could give donors a more immediate sense of the usefulness of their donations.

Hi all.
Could we please take a resolution on this?

Paolo Cavallini - www.faunalia.eu
Corsi QGIS e PostGIS: http://www.faunalia.eu/training.html

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