[Qgis-psc] Financial contribution for bug-fixing

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Mon Apr 20 23:33:36 PDT 2015

Agreed. I think now we are strong enough to deal with this, of course for larger amounts (>2500? 5000?).
All the best.

Il 20 aprile 2015 22:54:46 CEST, Tim Sutton <tim at kartoza.com> ha scritto:
>Just a note on the rationale for not accepting targeted funding - it
>was to protect ourselves from becoming a consulting house / contracting
>agency and from the admin overhead of dealing with many small earmarked
>funds and what to do with surplus / overspend / tracking of those
>funds. I think it will be cool to have some ‘big bucket’ cost areas
>that people can fund, but we should still avoid having to deal with
>‘I’d like to donate 50 EUROS to fix bug 1234’ type requests. 
>> On 08 Apr 2015, at 17:14, Andreas Neumann <a.neumann at carto.net>
>> Hi Vincent,
>> There is a financial report from the second half of 2014:
>> See
>> We plan to publish the next report in early 2015 - which will then
>cover a full year.
>> Andreas
>> On 08.04.2015 16:49, Vincent Picavet - ML wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Le mercredi 8 avril 2015, 12:11:08 Paolo Cavallini a écrit :
>>>> Il 08/04/2015 12:08, Vincent Picavet - ML ha scritto:
>>>>> Is it in order of importance ? I totally agree with the items, but
>not the
>>>>> order.
>>>> have a look to Tim document. IMHO the order is rather logical (a
>>>> way to present it to potential sponsors), not linked to economical
>>>> importance or priority.
>>> I do not have rights to see the document.
>>> Ok if you say it is not sorted by priority. Maybe indicating the
>priority for
>>> sponsors could be a good thing, so that they know what to expect.
>>> Or giving a repartition of funds for latest year(s) could do the job
>>> Vincent
>>>>>> Based on Tim doc:
>>>>>> o6o mCk/edit#heading=h.vsn0jtq85cwo
>>>> Amicalement.
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