[Qgis-psc] Sourcepole offer to port QGIS vector analysis tool to QGIS master

Neumann, Andreas a.neumann at carto.net
Tue Nov 24 02:58:10 PST 2015


Hi QGIS.ORG board, 

As you may know, Sourcepole developed the Vector analysis tools from
Scratch for QGIS enterprise. They are apparently willing to port it into
QGIS master - but there are several things missing. They would do the
missing parts for 25k CHF (Swiss franks) - it probably also contains a
smaller share of the initial dev costs they had. 

The missing bits are: 

- porting into QGIS master 

- moving the code from plugin to QGIS core analysis library 

- create Python bindings 

- create unit tests 


What they already did: 

Complete Rewrite in C++ of: 

- Convex Hull 

- Buffer 

- Intersect 

- Union 

- Symmetric difference 

- Clip 

- Difference 

- Dissolve 

- Eliminate sliver poylgons 

It allows to save the result as any OGR format, supports multi-threading
and comes with a detailed error log in case of problems with invalid


Some additional background: they already invested >200 hours for the
re-development of the above methods. This equals about 35 kCHF. 


Timing: they could probably do it for the QGIS 2.16 release (feature
freeze May 20, 2016). They are busy with contracts - they cannot do it
earlier with the resources they have. 

To me, personally, this sounds like a good offer. 

We would have to find a solution for our short-term problems with fTools
- but to me this is a very good proposal to have a good fTools
replacement in the future. 

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