[Qgis-psc] Draft announcement re 3.0
Andreas Neumann
a.neumann at carto.net
Sun Feb 7 22:25:41 PST 2016
Hi Tim,
Thank you for the draft!
One issue I have is the term "master branch" - which perhaps could be
made clearer, less ambiguous.
Is there only one "master branch" at any time or will there be two
parallel "master branches" - a 2.x one and a 3.x one? Normally, I would
assume that there can be only one master branch at any given time - e.g.
2x will stay master branch until 2.16 and then 3.0 would be the master
branch. Or can there be two parallel master branches?
One statement i don't like is "only for 3.x: not knowing when that will
ever release or" --> could we rather say "only for 3.x: not knowing when
this will release or" (take out the word "ever")
I assume that we think that 3.x will happen, but we don't know when. The
current wording seems to imply that the PSC has doubts if 3.x will ever
happen - which I don't think is the case. But since this "o-tone
Jürgen", I don't know if you want to change this ...
On 07.02.2016 22:56, Tim Sutton wrote:
> Hi PSC
> I have written up a draft announcement about the 3.0 plan. I am
> including a complete draft below.. Please let me know if you have
> comments, corrections, additions to this DRAFT so that I can post it
> and then advertise it more broadly.
> — ——— — ————
> QGIS 3.0 plans
> Ok so quick spoiler here: there is no QGIS 3.0 ready yet, nor will
> there be a QGIS 3.0 for some time. This article provides a bit more
> detail on the plans for QGIS 3.0. A few weeks ago I wrote about some
> of the considerations for the 3.0 release, so you may want to read
> that first
> <http://blog.qgis.org/2016/01/17/help-us-to-plan-for-qgis-3-0/> before
> continuing with this article as I do not cover the same ground here.
> A *lot* of consideration has gone into deciding what the approach will
> be for the development of QGIS 3.0. Unfortunately the first PSC
> vote regarding which proposal to follow was a split
> <https://www.loomio.org/d/5MCdPwoL/vote-to-approve-the-process-for-qgis-3-0> decision
> (4 for, 3 against, 1 abstention and 1 suggestion for an alternative in
> the discussion). During our PSC meeting this week we re-tabled the
> topic and eventually agreed on Jürgen Fischer's proposal (Jürgen is a
> QGIS PSC Member and the QGIS Release Manager) by a much more unanimous
> margin of 8 for, 1 neutral and 1 absent. Jürgen's proposal is largely
> similar to the Proposal 2 described in my previous posting
> <http://blog.qgis.org/2016/01/17/help-us-to-plan-for-qgis-3-0/>. I
> want to make some special notes here about our discussion and
> subsequent decision which will hopefully help to clarify the thinking
> behind our decision for other interested observers. First let me lay
> out Jürgen's plan in his own words:
> "My preferred approach would still be:
> * Do a Qt5/PyQt5/Python3 branch in parallel, actually work on it
> until it's ready, make it master and release it as 3.0
> * Meantime keep working on master (2.x) and keep releasing them
> every 4 months as usual
> Everyone can work on the branch (s)he wants (or is hired to), but
> needs to consider if (s)he want to do it (or spend funds on):
> * only for 2.x: knowing that it will be released soon; but might
> become unusable because platforms drop support for stuff it
> depends on sooner or later
> * only for 3.x: not knowing when that will ever release or
> * for both: knowing that work needs to be done twice.
> * People adding features to the master branch will be responsible to
> ensure that their work gets merged to 3.0 branch.
> As PSC we should maintain the environment for people to do something
> for QGIS - but we cannot tell them to - so we don't have resources we
> can actually plan with and that means we can either release something
> when the big thing is ready or what we have in fixed intervals." -
> Jürgen Fischer
> What follows are some further details and clarifications to our
> preferred approach:
> *Why do parallel development?*
> Parallel development of 3.0 maintaining our master branch with 2.x
> code in it has advantages and disadvantages. First the advantages:
> * If we encounter major technical difficulties / release blockers in
> the 3.0 branch, it will not impact on our normal 3 monthly release
> cycle.
> * Our binary build systems (Linux, Windows and OSX binaries) will be
> unaffected until 3.0 is ready.
> * It is very likely that building 3.0 binaries on different
> platforms is going to have difficulties for each platform. For
> example OSGEO4W has no Python3 and Qt5 packages yet. Someone needs
> to see to the creation of the required package as a separate
> exercise from the actuals development of a version of QGIS that
> will take advantage of these updated libraries. We don't yes know
> what problems may be in countered in preparing these.
> * "Don't break what already works": we have a working and relatively
> stable master branch and we don't want to do a 'cowboy stunt' and
> break it. We prefer to wait until the 3.0 branch is mature, has
> passing tests and is known to work well before merging it into
> master and treating it as our 'best we currently have' master branch.
> Of course nothing in life is completely easy, there are also some
> disadvantages*:*
> * Some developers may feel that running two mainstream branches is
> dilution of effort. To counter this, our public recommendation is
> that after 2.16 comes out, all QGIS contributors are *strongly
> encouraged* to provide their patches against the 3.0 branch.
> Any features applied to the master branch is *not guaranteed* to
> be part of the 3.0 release.
> * Regular merging of master to the 3.0 branch may prove more and
> more difficult over time as the two branches diverge more. Again
> we will strongly encourage that developers submitting new features
> after the 2.16 release do so against the 3.0 branch.
> * 3.0 branch won't have auto build system for nightly binaries in
> the beginning. Since we expect that the initial branch of 3.0 will
> break these anyway, Having a separate branch is actually an
> advantage here as it will give binary packages some time to get
> their build systems up to speed.
> *The schedule will not be fixed:*
> One thing that we want to make really clear (and was a key point in
> our many discussions) is that there will be no fixed release date for
> QGIS version 3.0. There are several reasons for this:
> * As a steering committee, we can only set the QGIS ship pointing in
> a given direction, our power to actually make work happen is
> extremely limited. This is because we are a community made up
> largely of volunteer developers or developers working on a
> commission basis for third party clients. We have no say in how
> these contributors spend their time.
> * We do not yet know which (if any) major technical issues will be
> encountered during the development of 3.0. Any such issues could
> very well delay the roll our of QGIS 3.0.
> Instead our plan is to make the 2.16 release and then effectively move
> all developer effort to the 3.0 branch as best we can (through close
> liaison with our developer community).
> *Looking forward to 3.0*
> Personally I am very much looking forward to the release of QGIS 3.0 -
> it represents another huge milestone in our project, it affords us a
> great opportunity to get rid of a lot of cruft out of our code base
> and API's and it will arm us with a set of modern, new libraries that
> will see us through the next several years. Rock on QGIS 3.0!
> timsutton
> QGIS PSC Chairman
> ——————
> —
> Tim Sutton
> Visit http://kartoza.com to find out about open source:
> * Desktop GIS programming services
> * Geospatial web development
> * GIS Training
> * Consulting Services
> Skype: timlinux Irc: timlinux on #qgis at freenode.net
> <http://freenode.net>
> Tim is a member of the QGIS Project Steering Committee
> Kartoza is a merger between Linfiniti and Afrispatial
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