[Qgis-psc] Draft announcement re 3.0

Richard Duivenvoorde richard at duif.net
Mon Feb 8 01:03:37 PST 2016

On 07-02-16 22:56, Tim Sutton wrote:
> Hi PSC> I have written up a draft announcement about the 3.0 plan. I am
> including a complete draft below.. Please let me know if you have
> comments, corrections, additions to this DRAFT so that I can post it and
> then advertise it more broadly.

Nice writing as always Tim! Thanks for this.

To me it is not fully clear in this text if we will branch 2.14 or 2.16,
I think that is because (in Juergens words) in the beginning we talk
about branch in parallel (which at least in my eyes is about branching
now). But in the disadvantages part we write : "To counter this, our
public recommendation is that after 2.16 comes out..."

If we are not branching 2.14, we could mention the reason we are NOT
branching now already (paid features/contracts?). I'm afraid some will
be disappointed that they have to wait another half year before they can
add the things they want to add/change.



PS I still think branching NOW is best: if no one will do anything, we
will have a branch where nothing happens, but if dev's start
working/testing ( at least I will try to build :-) ) we will have a
headstart or at least some experience.

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