[Qgis-psc] Election dates

Nyall Dawson nyall.dawson at gmail.com
Tue Feb 13 17:58:27 PST 2018

On 14 February 2018 at 07:33, Tim Sutton <tim at kartoza.com> wrote:
> Hi PSC
> Thomas Schüttenberg just brought to my attention that the actual elapsed time since our first Board elections is only 14 months ago:
> > I just tried to translate your call for PSC nominations and wondered if the term is already over. The last election was in december 2016 which was only 14 month ago. The statutes refere to a two year term. Do I miss something, or is this just because of the long period of forming the qgis.org association?
> In light of that I am proposing that we continue with the process of nominations as I would still like to stand down as chair over these coming months, but restrict the voting only to the vacant chair position. This will mean that our ‘number 2’ AGM form will be adjusted slightly to only accommodate
> A) the election of one new PSC member, and
> B) the election of a new board chair
> Does this sound OK for everyone?

Just to clarify: this means that shortly we'll be voting for a new
chair out of the existing PSC, and you'll continue on in PSC in a
non-chair role until the 2 year term ends? Or have I totally misread


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