[Qgis-psc] Migration to Github

Tim Sutton tim at kartoza.com
Thu Feb 15 11:48:25 PST 2018

Denis and friends

Please lets park this until the hackfest discussion. The issue already consumed so much community energy and I think these discussions get very circular. I’d prefer we broadcast outcomes of the vote / PSC and community discussion in Madeira after we have got a concrete plan of action. There are so many different view points that there is no way to resolve this without taking a position contrary to *someone’s* view. Along the way lets improve some of our statutes and community guidelines in particular I think addressing some of these issues in our charter may help to give a clearer path for future situations such as this:

1) clearly define who may call for a vote, when and how  a community vote may be called. 
2) clearly define what the criteria are for a vote being accepted (minimum number of votes, % majority, what to do if there are lots of abstentions)
3) define in which situations the PSC may override a vote, in which situations a vote may override the PSC
4) define our policy on using open source - do we mandate it, prefer it, or use the best / most pragmatic tool for the job

Thanks for your understanding and patience, lets resolve this with oil and grease not hammers and tongs!



> On 15 Feb 2018, at 19:33, Denis Rouzaud <denis.rouzaud at gmail.com> wrote:
> Le jeu. 15 févr. 2018 à 13:03, Jürgen E. Fischer <jef at norbit.de <mailto:jef at norbit.de>> a écrit :
> Hi Denis,
> On Thu, 15. Feb 2018 at 15:05:14 +0000, Denis Rouzaud wrote:
> > On practical points, proof of concept was achieved by Matthias (and some
> > others) and showed all of this is possible except attributing comments to
> > the original author...bummer ;).
> News to me.  The migration didn't go though - I thought Matthias had given up
> on the migration, because he was uncertain that we'd go through with it and it
> might end up as a waste of energy.  And his target was not to do a full
> migration - IIRC.
> Well, it depends on what we mean by migration of course (moving all tickets? all tags? etc). 
> I tried a full migration - and ran into obstacles from github (eg. throtteling)
> proposition was to contact Github, correct?
> and had doubts about mapping all what we have in redmine to tags in github
> well, again depends on what we're migrating. History or tags. My proposition is to start with a new empty list for QGIS 3 and migrate issues on demand (with an assitant tool, triggered from Redmine or semi-manually).
> And for the history, to keep Redmine as read-only.
> -
> and how useable it would be which such a large number of issues and/or tags as
> ours.
> Richard tried again later and also gave up.
> Attributing comments to the original author was just one thing that couldn't be
> done at all.
> We finally settled to upgrade and move redmine to a faster machine - and that
> was that.
> Upgrading Redmine should certainely help the migration as the original migration tool was for more recent version, correct? 
> And when this was brought up again, we didn't talk about the implementation
> (ie. how we map the trac/redmine ticket numbers to github issues - our commit
> messages reference the tickets).
> And then there was this sudden vote...
> I understand that. Let's wait for Madeira then. 
> > (because, damn, it's not integrated with the source code!).
> Of course it is linked to the source code.  It's just not linked to github,
> because github doesn't allow us to - otherwise we'd just address PRs and issues
> differently and let one point to github and the other to redmine.
> Of course, I meant source code repo! 
> I think we can discuss for ever on what has been done and what is possible. Then, we can adapt the decision tree and add the question:
> If we can't keep the whole history, shall we stick to Redmine?
> And what do we mean with whole history (added files, comments, tags, etc).
> Denis
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Tim Sutton
QGIS Project Steering Committee Chair
tim at qgis.org

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