[Qgis-psc] Migration to Github

Denis Rouzaud denis.rouzaud at gmail.com
Fri Feb 16 04:58:39 PST 2018

Hi Tim,

Le jeu. 15 févr. 2018 à 15:48, Tim Sutton <tim at kartoza.com> a écrit :

> Denis and friends
> Please lets park this until the hackfest discussion. The issue already
> consumed so much community energy and I think these discussions get very
> circular. I’d prefer we broadcast outcomes of the vote / PSC and community
> discussion in Madeira after we have got a concrete plan of action. There
> are so many different view points that there is no way to resolve this
> without taking a position contrary to *someone’s* view. Along the way lets
> improve some of our statutes and community guidelines in particular I think
> addressing some of these issues in our charter may help to give a clearer
> path for future situations such as this:
> 1) clearly define who may call for a vote, when and how  a community vote
> may be called.
> 2) clearly define what the criteria are for a vote being accepted (minimum
> number of votes, % majority, what to do if there are lots of abstentions)
> 3) define in which situations the PSC may override a vote, in which
> situations a vote may override the PSC
> 4) define our policy on using open source - do we mandate it, prefer it,
> or use the best / most pragmatic tool for the job

That sounds like a really good plan.
4) is definitely the starting point for the discussion here.

> Thanks for your understanding and patience, lets resolve this with oil and
> grease not hammers and tongs!

You proved to be a very a wise trouble-shooter once again.

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