[Qgis-psc] Google season of docs - 3 months technical writers sponsored by google

Marco Bernasocchi marco at qgis.org
Tue Mar 12 11:12:56 PDT 2019

Hi All,
Google just published a new program called season of docs [0], it is
basically the same thing as google summer of code but for technical
writers, they give sponsorships for 3 months of work on the
documentations of an open source project.

"Invite an experienced technical writer to work on your documentation
for three months. Provide some project ideas based on your documentation
needs, then work with a technical writer to build your doc set, improve
your information architecture, or develop a much-needed tutorial"

I think it could be a good idea to try to get selected as an
organisation or at least to bubble this up to OSGeo

Ciao Marco

[0] https://developers.google.com/season-of-docs/

Marco Bernasocchi

QGIS.org Co-chair

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