[Qgis-psc] Traveling to the 's-Hertogenbosch

Tim Sutton tim at kartoza.com
Sat Jan 11 02:23:57 PST 2020


On Sat, Jan 11, 2020 at 10:16 AM Andreas Neumann <a.neumann at carto.net>

> Hi PSC,
> I am back home and feeling better after my surgery.

Pleased to hear you are getting better!

> Trying to catch up
> with issues and starting to work on closing 2019 financial stuff.
> One thing that I would like to discuss is the travel support for the
> 's-Hertogenbosch meeting.
> Can we discuss and decide that we only support ecologically responsible
> traveling? I am thinking that contributors that live within the radius
> of 1'500km from 's-Hertogenbosch can easily travel by train or can
> organize car pools rather than traveling by plane. Even if it costs
> more, I think QGIS should rather reimburse a train ticket than an airfare.

A huge +1 from me! And we should broadcast this policy far and wide to try
to encourage others to follow suite.

> Luckily, a nr of european governments (e.g. Germany, Austria) are in the
> process of improving the train system and correct the unfair taxation
> system for train tickets (train tickets have VAT, air tickets not; train
> tickets have a CO2 surcharge on electricity production, air tickets only
> just recently but not high enough (which is outraging)), so one can
> expect that the train tickets will be slightly cheaper. E.g. Germany
> reduced VAT for train tickets starting from January 1 and Austria will
> introduce an additional CO2 taxation for plane tickets. These changes
> are not enough to change people's behavior, but they are a good start.
> Austria is also discussing a new integrated ticket for the whole public
> transportation system, similar to the Swiss GA travel card that works
> across trains, buses, boats, trams, etc.

Since I moved to Portugal, every time I needed to travel in Europe I tried
to see if I could get there by train. Beyond the long travel times (two or
three days travel to most destinations) the whole process of finding
tickets and managing itineraries is daunting. If you miss a connection on a
journey that has 10 mode changes it is really hard to know how to deal with
it. So I am 100% with you here, I really hope they can make train travel
easier and more accessible! More people using it would probably help to
spur that on.

Thanks for raising this!



> Greetings,
> Andreas
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Tim Sutton
Visit http://kartoza.com to find out about open source:
 * Desktop GIS programming services
 * Geospatial web development
* GIS Training
* Consulting Services
Skype: timlinux Irc: timlinux on #qgis at freenode.net
Tim is a member of the QGIS Project Steering Committee
Kartoza is a merger between Linfiniti and Afrispatial
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