[Qgis-psc] Grants 2020 preparation for voting

Anita Graser anitagraser at gmx.at
Fri Jun 19 08:36:54 PDT 2020

On 19.06.2020 17:17, Even Rouault wrote:
> > Anita are you going to provide some background about acceptance
> criteria or
> > back story with the message you send out - especially we should
> clarify why
> > the settings registry and table manager items are in the list if the
> remit
> > is not to fund new features. That last sentence sounds negative but
> isn’t
> > intended that way - I am actually glad to have those features funded if
> > they are, just that we should be clear about the rules.
> Perhaps they should be acknowledged more as developer oriented
> features / clean house / refactoring tasks, than user-oriented features.
Yes, during the June 2nd PSC meeting, we discussed that these proposals
are bordering on the "new feature" side but opted to include them since
they are more about refactoring and polishing than providing something
new and shiny to users.

I can include this information in the message to voters (together with
the general criteria).



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