[Qgis-psc] DOI for QGIS project / Springer Handbook of Geoinformatics / Deadline January 20
Peter Löwe
peter.loewe at gmx.de
Wed Jan 19 06:54:00 PST 2022
Even, all,
since the QGIS community has already succeeded to register it's DOI, meeting the deadline for the Springer Handbook, this discussion feels a bit hypothetical, but might still be useful for other communities.
The documentation by Zenodo and GithHub on this is not yet addressing the needs of some communities.
I would propose this approach:
1) Register a Concept DOI / intial Version by a manual upload from the last stable release of the software projects (-> don't work with two ConceptDOI).
2) Log into Zenodo (for the ConceptDOI landingpage) and update all requires Metadata for automated ingest from the GitHub for future releases, including Zenedo-sided webhooks and GitHub-sided permissions.
3) Do a Github-sided software release when ready and confirm that it has been picked up by the ConceptDOI landing page as a new version (-> one ConceptDOI with two attached VersionDOI).
I have contacted DataCite for confirmation. This is their initial response: "From the DataCite side I don't see anything that would mean the manual workflow could not change to an automated one, but this is something that Zenodo would need to confirm.". Feedback from Zenodo is pending.
<peter.loewe at gmx.de>
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 18. Januar 2022 um 17:46 Uhr
> Von: "Even Rouault" <even.rouault at spatialys.com>
> An: "Peter Löwe" <peter.loewe at gmx.de>
> Cc: qgis-psc at lists.osgeo.org
> Betreff: Re: Aw: Re: [Qgis-psc] DOI for QGIS project / Springer Handbook of Geoinformatics / Deadline January 20
> Based on my experiments with sandbox.zenodo.org, I still don't see how
> manual and github uploads can be reconciled.
> I have done a manual upload of a fake project in
> https://sandbox.zenodo.org/record/997579 . It gets
> "10.5281/zenodo.997578" as all-version-DOI and "10.5072/zenodo.997579"
> for version 0.0
> I've done a github version in https://sandbox.zenodo.org/record/997656.
> It gets "10.5281/zenodo.997655" as all-version-DOI and
> "10.5281/zenodo.997656" for version 1.0
> I've then attempted to edit the record for "10.5281/zenodo.997656" /
> version 1.0 to add a "10.5072/zenodo.997579 is previous version of this
> upload", and it shows in https://sandbox.zenodo.org/record/997656 (I
> assume that's what you call the landing page). But
> https://sandbox.zenodo.org/record/997578 (all-version-DOI created by
> manual upload) doesn't point to that 1.0 github version, but still to
> the 0.0 version
> So I have 2 all-version-DOI for the same logical object (which is
> completely expected). How do I concretely reconcile them ?
> Le 18/01/2022 à 15:48, Peter Löwe a écrit :
> > Even, all,
> >
> > here's my understanding of the process, based on lessons learned from the DOI setup for the MOSS project.
> >
> > When a digital object (e.g. QGIS project codebase) is initially checked into Zenodo (or a similar open access repo) _two_ DOI are created: One is the concept DOI for the whole software project (representing all versions/releases existing or coming), the other DOI is for the particular software version / release which has been uploaded (e.g. ConceptDOI-QGIS and VersionDOI0.0.1-QGIS).
> >
> > Whenever a new version/release of the digital object (e.g. new QGIS release) is added (manually or by automated GitHub-integration) to the already existing Zenodo-sided "QGIS repo" (technical term: DOI landing page), an additional "version DOI" (VersionDOI0.0.2-QGIS) will be linked to the "concept DOI" (ConceptDOI-QGIS + VersionDOI0.0.1-QGIS + VersionDOI0.0.1-QGIS). All this is tracked on the QGIS landing page
> >
> > The configuration of an automated upload requires permissions set on both the Zenodo- and the Github side. These settings can be set-up and (re)configured in the settings/metadata of the landing page (e.g. the QGIS landing page on zenodo) in the "Related/alternate identifier" section
> > (e.g. MOSS project GitHub-tie in: Related identifiers https://github.com/OSGeo/MOSS/tree/archive-v1.2.3 (success) is supplemented by this upload).
> >
> > These settings can be changed and edited any at time, also to fix configuration mistakes: Automated updates will not work if either the webhooks aren't properly set or the GitHub-sided permissions are missing. This was found out the hard way in the MOSS project.
> >
> > The only thing which can NOT be altered is the uploaded digital data of an QGIS release itself.
> >
> > It should also be possible to switch back from automated updates to manual updates (haven't tried that yet).
> >
> >
> > Peter
> >
> > <peter.loewe at gmx.de>
> >
> >
> >
> > Gesendet: Dienstag, 18. Januar 2022 um 11:58 Uhr
> > Von: "Even Rouault" <even.rouault at spatialys.com>
> > An: qgis-psc at lists.osgeo.org
> > Betreff: Re: [Qgis-psc] DOI for QGIS project / Springer Handbook of Geoinformatics / Deadline January 20
> >
> >
> > Le 18/01/2022 à 10:36, Alessandro Pasotti a écrit :
> >
> >
> > I tried a manual upload: https://zenodo.org/record/5869838
> > We are considering the same for GDAL and PROJ, but I fail to see how the DOI record of the github integration would then be connected with the one obtained through manual upload. I fear that we'd have to do a manual upload in the zenodo interface each time we issue a new release, which would a no-go as far as I'm concerned. Maybe that's just my ignorance of the system. I've been trying to simulate that on a fake project on https://sandbox.zenodo.org[https://sandbox.zenodo.org] but without success.
> > Even
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Jan 18, 2022 at 9:59 AM Peter Löwe <peter.loewe at gmx.de[mailto:peter.loewe at gmx.de]> wrote:Hi Anita, Nyall, all,
> >
> > the json file is indeed optional (and can be added in the next release, maybe together with a matching CITATION.CFF (also optional)). The auto-generated list of authors (AFAIK the names of the owners of the GitHub- and Zenodo-accounts) is (just) part of the metadata on the QGIS DOI landing page ("the Zenodo page for QGIS"). This list of authors can be edited and extended after the DOI has been registered. It is not part of the permanently preserved digital record (which can't be changed after upload).
> >
> > Best,
> > Peter
> >
> > <peter.loewe at gmx.de[mailto:peter.loewe at gmx.de]>
> >
> >
> >> Gesendet: Dienstag, 18. Januar 2022 um 08:38 Uhr
> >> Von: "Anita Graser" <anitagraser at gmx.at[mailto:anitagraser at gmx.at]>
> >> An: "Nyall Dawson" <nyall.dawson at gmail.com[mailto:nyall.dawson at gmail.com]>, "Alessandro Pasotti" <apasotti at gmail.com[mailto:apasotti at gmail.com]>
> >> Cc: "qgis-psc" <qgis-psc at lists.osgeo.org[mailto:qgis-psc at lists.osgeo.org]>
> >> Betreff: Re: [Qgis-psc] DOI for QGIS project / Springer Handbook of Geoinformatics / Deadline January 20
> >>
> >>
> >> On 18.01.2022 00:03, Nyall Dawson wrote:
> >>> On Tue, 18 Jan 2022 at 01:33, Alessandro Pasotti <apasotti at gmail.com[mailto:apasotti at gmail.com]> wrote:
> >>>> Hi Anita,
> >>>>
> >>>> I followed the instructions and we should be good, but as far as I know we would need to wait until the next release is created in github to get the webhook triggered and the DOI created.
> >>> Don't we also need .zenodo.json file added and populated? (as per
> >>> https://github.com/OSGeo/PROJ/pull/3019[https://github.com/OSGeo/PROJ/pull/3019])
> >> Hi Nyall,
> >>
> >> That seems optional. I don't have one in MovingPandas and the
> >> contributor names are automatically generated from Github accounts I
> >> guess: https://zenodo.org/record/5838821[https://zenodo.org/record/5838821]
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >>
> >> Anita
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>> Nyall
> >>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> On Mon, Jan 17, 2022 at 4:20 PM Anita Graser <anitagraser at gmx.at[mailto:anitagraser at gmx.at]> wrote:
> >>>>> Hi Alessandro,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> That doesn't seem to be enough, unfortunately.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> But the guide is really straightforward, so anyone with sufficient privileges should be able to do it rather quickly: https://guides.lib.berkeley.edu/citeyourcode[https://guides.lib.berkeley.edu/citeyourcode]
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Regards,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Anita
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> On 17.01.2022 12:48, Alessandro Pasotti wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Hi Anita,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I added you to the "maintain" role on qgis/QGIS , please let me know if it's enough.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> On Mon, Jan 17, 2022 at 12:27 PM Anita Graser <anitagraser at gmx.at[mailto:anitagraser at gmx.at]> wrote:
> >>>>>> Hi all,
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> I have a Zenodo DOI for MovingPandas and it works great. I checked if I
> >>>>>> can take care of it but I don't seem to have the necessary rights to add
> >>>>>> qgis/QGIS repo to Zenodo. The only qgis repo where I have sufficient
> >>>>>> rights is qgis/PSC.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Anita
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> On 17.01.2022 10:38, Peter Löwe wrote:
> >>>>>>> Dear QGIS Board, dear QGIS Developers,
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> this is very gentle reminder following up to my mail to the QGIS Board from last week (see below): The deadline to include a DOI for QGIS in the Springer Handbook of Geographic Information is coming up on Thursday. I just want to make sure that all software projects covered in the Open Source chapter can make an informed decision whether they want to have their DOI referenced in the Handbook. Otherwise, the project URL will be used for reference.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Currently the second Edition of the Springer Handbook for Geographic Information (https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-540-72680-7[https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-540-72680-7]) is being finalised.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> QGIS is covered in the chapter on Open Source GIS (thanks to the volunteer work of Marco Hubentobler !). Neither the Editors nor the Authors receive any pay from Springer for their work and won't benefit from the volumes sold.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Recently, new workflows for scientific citation of software projects are becoming state of the art. This includes references by persistent digital object identifiers (DOI) to software projects instead of URLs. DOI have several benefits over URLs, the biggest advantage for this community might be that DOI-based references allow to give due credit to the whole project team, including first authors, developers, but also maintainers and people in other roles.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> The Springer Handbook will be around for at least five, maybe ten years. One reason for DOI (which will keep pointing to the latest QGIS release, and maybe more up to date content (see #5 below) is to give added value to the readers and not to bog them down with obsolete information.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Until now, eight OSGeo projects will have their DOI referenced in the Open Source Chapter, while six more are in the process to register their DOI, hopefully before Thursday (details here: https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/DOI[https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/DOI])
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> The QGIS community can of course register a DOI whenever it decides to do so.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Some reasons for DOI for the QGIS community might be:
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> 1) Little effort, no cost and significant benefits for everybody who's involved in QGIS and can use scientific credit for their careers (-> students, early career scientists, people on tenure track).
> >>>>>>> 2) preservation of all code releases in an open access long term repository (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zenodo[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zenodo]), free of charge and effortless for the project community (bzw: NASA is also using this approach for their data publishing: https://earthdata.nasa.gov/collaborate/doi-process[https://earthdata.nasa.gov/collaborate/doi-process])
> >>>>>>> 3) Reference by DOI is the way to go when citing anything with a long list of authors/committers: QGIS has about _1001_ committers according to GitHub, that's a lot.
> >>>>>>> 4) When ORCIDs (https://orcid.org/[https://orcid.org/]) for persons serving as developers, maintainers, etc. are included into the committer - metadata (GitHub-sided), the DOI workflows will pick this up and will add due credit by reference to their citation lists.
> >>>>>>> 5) DOI can be used to link information, inclduing video recordings and presentations. Videos from FOSS4G events can now be linked to software project DOI and vice versa (and also linked to ORCIDs of real people), like this one: Dobias, Martin: State of QGIS 3D, QGIS ACoruña Conference 2019. https://doi.org/10.5446/40791[https://doi.org/10.5446/40791]
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Registering a DOI for software projects takes only a few minutes and is described here:
> >>>>>>> - Howto mit Screenshots: https://guides.lib.berkeley.edu/citeyourcode[https://guides.lib.berkeley.edu/citeyourcode]
> >>>>>>> - Youtube Howto Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9FGAU9S9Ow[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9FGAU9S9Ow]
> >>>>>>> - Inclusion of a CFF and a JSON file in the codebase for automated GitHub-Zenodo integration: https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Persistent_identifiers(pid)#Howto_2[https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Persistent_identifiers(pid)#Howto_2]
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Please contact me if you have any questions on this.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Best regards,
> >>>>>>> Peter
> >>>>>>> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User:Peter_Loewe[https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User:Peter_Loewe]
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Gesendet: Dienstag, 11. Januar 2022 um 12:57 Uhr
> >>>>>>>> Von: "Peter Löwe" <peter.loewe at gmx.de[mailto:peter.loewe at gmx.de]>
> >>>>>>>> An: board at qgis.org[mailto:board at qgis.org], psc at qgis.org[mailto:psc at qgis.org]
> >>>>>>>> Betreff: DOI for QGIS project / Springer Handbook of Geoinformatics
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Dear QGIS community,
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> I'm reaching out to you because of an opportunity for the QGIS project, which surfaced recently:
> >>>>>>>> The upcoming second edition of the Springer Handbook of Geoinformatics will cover the QGIS project. The Handbook project has been delayed due to the Pandemic, but will be completed in a few weeks. I am serving as the editor of the Handbook chapter about Open Source Geoinformatics.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Recently, new workflows for scientific citation of software projects have emerged and are becoming state of the art. This includes references by persistent digital object identifiers (DOI) to software projects instead of URLs. DOI-based references allow to give due credit to the whole project team, including first authors, developers, but also maintainers and people in other roles.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> The OSGeo projects GRASS GIS, GMT, MapServer, MOSS and rasdaman have already registered their own DOI, OSGeoLive will follow soon.
> >>>>>>>> Hands on information how to register a DOI for a OSGeo project are available here: https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Persistent_identifiers(pid)[https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Persistent_identifiers(pid)]:
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> As an example, this is the DOI for GRASS GIS: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5810537[https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5810537]
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> The Editors of the Springer Handbook agree that including DOI references for Open Source projects is a win-win-scenario for the upcoming book and also the OSGeo project communities. They have extended the production deadline until January 20 to give additional software projects the opportunity to register a DOI to be included in the book chapter.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> If the QGIS project registers a DOI (takes only a few minutes) before the deadline of January 20, I would gladly include it in the Open Source Geoinformatics chapter reference section.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Please let me know if you have any questions.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Best,
> >>>>>>>> Peter
> >>>>>>>> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User:Peter_Loewe[https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User:Peter_Loewe]
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> _______________________________________________
> >>>>>>> Qgis-psc mailing list
> >>>>>>> Qgis-psc at lists.osgeo.org[mailto:Qgis-psc at lists.osgeo.org]
> >>>>>>> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-psc[https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-psc]
> >>>>>> _______________________________________________
> >>>>>> Qgis-psc mailing list
> >>>>>> Qgis-psc at lists.osgeo.org[mailto:Qgis-psc at lists.osgeo.org]
> >>>>>> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-psc[https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-psc]
> >>>>>
> >>>>> --
> >>>>> Alessandro Pasotti
> >>>>> QCooperative: www.qcooperative.net[http://www.qcooperative.net]
> >>>>> ItOpen: www.itopen.it[http://www.itopen.it]
> >>>>
> >>>> --
> >>>> Alessandro Pasotti
> >>>> QCooperative: www.qcooperative.net[http://www.qcooperative.net]
> >>>> ItOpen: www.itopen.it[http://www.itopen.it]
> >>>> _______________________________________________
> >>>> Qgis-psc mailing list
> >>>> Qgis-psc at lists.osgeo.org[mailto:Qgis-psc at lists.osgeo.org]
> >>>> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-psc[https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-psc]
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> Qgis-psc mailing list
> >> Qgis-psc at lists.osgeo.org[mailto:Qgis-psc at lists.osgeo.org]
> >> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-psc[https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-psc]
> >>
> > --
> >
> > Alessandro Pasotti
> > QCooperative: www.qcooperative.net[https://www.qcooperative.net]ItOpen: www.itopen.it[http://www.itopen.it]
> > _______________________________________________
> > Qgis-psc mailing listQgis-psc at lists.osgeo.org[mailto:Qgis-psc at lists.osgeo.org]https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-psc
> > -- http://www.spatialys.com[http://www.spatialys.com]
> > My software is free, but my time generally not.
> > _______________________________________________ Qgis-psc mailing list Qgis-psc at lists.osgeo.org https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-psc[https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-psc]
> --
> http://www.spatialys.com
> My software is free, but my time generally not.
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