[Qgis-psc] Request about training certificates from QGIS user group Ecuador

Luigi Pirelli luipir at gmail.com
Sun Jan 23 02:38:49 PST 2022

really good point... I do not see why a user groups shouldn't be able to
organise certified courses

Luigi Pirelli

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On Fri, 21 Jan 2022 at 10:50, Andreas Neumann <a.neumann at carto.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am forwarding the following request from the QGIS user group Ecuador (a
> new sustaining member from just recently):
> -----------------------------------
> Dear Andreas, I have a query.
> As a group of users can we be part of the certification program?
> I reviewed the certification process and registered our request, however,
> I received an email in which they mention that user groups cannot issue
> certificates.
> I have seen that there are user groups that are in the program and
> therefore register the request to our user group in the program and be able
> to contribute to the project.
> I'll look forward for your answer
> Cheers
> Adrian
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