[qgis-qwc2] plugin configurations, general questions

Sandro Mani manisandro at gmail.com
Tue Sep 6 05:36:14 PDT 2022

Hi Thomas

Please refer to the Editing support chapter of the documentation [1] to 
set up the AttributeTable. In short, you'll most likely want to set up a 
data-service and configure the edit datasets in the qwc-admin-gui. You 
can look at at the sample configuration in qwc-docker [2] as an initial 

Hope this helps

[2] https://github.com/qwc-services/qwc-docker

On 05.09.22 12:34, Thomas Schüttenberg wrote:
> Hi there!
> I am trying to configure my qwc2-demo-app and looking at/playing with config.json.
> Some of the examples do not have configuration properties (cfg) and I wonder if these realy do not need some. For example the attributeTable, I can't make it show up. All I get is the window with the layer selector, but no layers are contained to select.
> Do I have to specify the layers for displayed attributeTables separately in config.json or themesConfig.json? Or is there a special configuration in the QGIS project file needed?
> Is the display of attribute tables depending on available editing support? Or may the empty layer selector be due to a CORS-problem? (although I thought to have tat fixed already).
> Thankful for any hint, cheeres!
> Thomas
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