[Qgis-tr] Transifex: pros and cons

Richard Duivenvoorde richard at duif.net
Mon Mar 23 03:25:48 PDT 2015

On 23-03-15 10:02, Werner Macho wrote:
> Hi all!
> I'm going to do some tests about the best way howto deal with that.
> IIRC you can download the ts file - rename it - copy it to the place
> in the source tree - translate it - rename it back to what it was
> while downloading and upload it again.
> (though not tested yet)

Hi Werner,

the crux is the 'location'- tags in the ts xml, like:


if you see these in your ts file you are able to see the dialogs in

My guess is that transifex 'washes' these away when you upload/download
a ts file.

As you can see the latest 'de' ts file:


compared to a historical (pre tx) ts file:


you can see the 'location' tags are missing in the latest (from tx) file.

I do not think it is doable for transifex to keep those, so only way is
to create the ts files yourself (which is not trivial, have a look into
the history of the update_ts_files.sh in the scripts dir)


Richard Duivenvoorde

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