[Qgis-tr] Typos and inconsistencies in source text

Sveinn í Felli sv1 at fellsnet.is
Tue Dec 13 07:10:30 PST 2016

Þann þri 13.des 2016 13:41, skrifaði Richard Duivenvoorde:
> Hi Sveinn,
> currently we collect UIX issues to be handled in upcoming QGIS3 in the
> hope that (even non dev) people are able to pick these up...
> See:
> https://github.com/qgis/qgis3_UIX_discussion/issues
> It maybe a good idea to copy paste your list as one issue?

Oh, great. Thanks Richard, already posted there:


> Regards,
> Richard Duivenvoorde
> On 12/13/2016 12:49 PM, Sveinn í Felli wrote:
>> Transifex Webtranslation page for QGIS is on
>> https://www.transifex.com/qgis/
>> Hi,
>> I've been noting down some of the errors my spellcheckers throw at me
>> during translation work on QGIS.
>> (I use several gettext-based applications to beef up productivity, so I
>> do convert the .ts with 'lupdate' back and forth. This allows me to use
>> better spellchecking systems, both on source and translated strings.)
>> I think most of them should be corrected, and some may need some
>> discussion. I'm only halfway through the source .ts file, and please
>> bear with me the nitpicking ;-)
>> There are several spelling variants of some words. No one of those is
>> "right" - but consistency is more "professional", n'est-ce pas?
>> Quote: "Neighbor is preferred in American English, and neighbour is
>> preferred in all the other main varieties of English. The words are the
>> same in every other respect."
>> The same is valid for "flavor/flavour".
>> The source is supposed to be in en_US, right? Or is en_GB more of a
>> convention in GIS?
>> We have both "Catalog/Catalogue" and "Favorite/Favourite" -
>> "Favorites/Favourites" in various places.
>> There are lots of places where we have different verions of the same
>> words:
>> For "checkbox" we have also "Check Box" and "check-box".
>> We have 8 occurrences of "cell size" and about 20 of "cellsize". BTW;
>> the latter gives an error in various spell-checkers.
>> Similar situation is with "no-data" vs. "nodata",
>> "multi-part/multipart", "single-part/singlepart",
>> "auto-detect/autodetect" "data source/datasource".
>> There's also "Heightbreak/Height break" once each in the QGIS-source;
>> but I see more often "height-break" and "height break" in various
>> documentation on the web.
>> There are still some occurences of 'Ctl' instead of 'Ctrl' for the
>> Control-key. For example:
>> "Pin/Unpin Labels And Diagrams\n
>> Click or marquee on label/diagram to pin\n
>> Shift unpins, Ctl (Cmd) toggles state\n
>> Acts on all editable layers"
>> Spelling errors/doubts:
>> "Select a table for editation" --> 'editing' or 'to edit'
>> "Cannot convert "%s" to unicode" --> Strictly it should have capitalized
>> 'Unicode'.
>> "Mitre limit" --> "Miter limit" is more common US-English I think.
>> "Select the file to analyse" --> There are many occurences of
>> "rasterize", "polygonize" etc. so this should have "analyze". Same
>> should be valid for the string "Colorise" --> "Colorize,
>> "synchronisation/synchronization" and "customisation/customization""
>> "Model processed ok." --> For consistency's sake it should be "OK". Same
>> for "If you click Ok, edit mode will automatically be turned on.".
>> "Recent algs" --> There really isn't enough space for "Recent
>> algorithms"?
>> "Click the icon to bring up the project properties dialog to alter this
>> behaviour." and "Change empty table behaviour" --> "behavior".
>> "Error saving layer definintion file" --> "definition".
>> "There was an error loading a plugin.The following diagnostic
>> information may help the QGIS developers resolve the issue:\n
>> %1." --> Missing space between 'plugin.' and 'The'.
>> "Controls the format used for the geometry column. Defaults to WKB.This
>> is generally more space and processing efficient, but harder to inspect
>> or use in simple applications than WKT (Well Known Text)." --> Missing
>> space between 'WKB.' and 'This'.
>> "column_name1[,column_name2, ...] A list of (String) columns that must
>> be compressed with ZLib DEFLATE algorithm. This might be beneficial for
>> databases that have big string blobs. However, use with care, since the
>> value of such columns will be seen as compressed binary content with
>> other SQLite utilities (or previous OGR versions). With OGR, when
>> inserting, modifying or queryings compressed columns,
>> compression/decompression is done transparently. However, such columns
>> cannot be (easily) queried with an attribute filter or WHERE clause.
>> Note: in table definition, such columns have the 'VARCHAR_deflate'
>> declaration type." --> "queryings" has an extra 's' at the end.
>> "Enter the name of an action here. The name should be unique (qgis will
>> make it unique if necessary)." --> QGIS should be in capitals, right?
>> "If you require a vector-based output file from Qgis it is suggested
>> that you try printing to PostScript if the SVG output is not
>> satisfactory.</p>" --> QGIS should be in all-capitals, right?
>> "Specifies the underlying units used for scalebar calculations, eg
>> "meters" or "feet" " --> 'eg' should be 'e.g.'. There are also several
>> strings starting with 'Eg,' which should strictly be written 'E.g;' or
>> with an easily understood "For example,".
>> "Import cancelled." --> "canceled".
>> If anyone has the opportunity and patience to grep/submit these
>> corrections into the source code, I'd be grateful.
>> Best regards,
>> Sveinn í Felli
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