[Qgis-tr] Help developing a project proposal for QGIS translation

Werner Macho werner.macho at gmail.com
Thu Dec 7 00:15:49 PST 2017

Hi Craig,

Richard already pretty much summed it ip.
If there is no repsonse from the current maintainer within 2 weeks than it
is time to change the maintainer ;)

If you'd like to jump in - you are more than welcome to do so.

I think there is no more to add for me except to say thank you.

If you need anything just drop us a note.


On Wed, Dec 6, 2017 at 4:41 PM, Craig Dsouza <craigds022 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Transifex Webtranslation page for QGIS is on https://www.transifex.com/
> qgis/
> Hi Werner and others,
> We're from the Datameet <http://datameet.org/> group, Pune chapter. We
> are frequent users of QGIS and we've been having discussions with
> grassroots organisations who are helping people map their village community
> owned lands in Maharashtra, India. In the discussions we've put forward the
> idea for coming up with a local Marathi version of QGIS and hence writing a
> project proposal for this localization.
> We are helping with developing this project proposal, hence would like to
> discuss here what that would involve in terms of people required and an
> understanding of the challenges. As we understand it, there are about 18000
> terms that would need to be translated, using Transifex. This includes
> terms from the software itself but also the documentation and tutorials.
> It is likely that the translator we get would know the local language
> (Marathi) but know nothing about QGIS. In addition to him/her, we would
> also have one person from the grassroots NGO and also Datameet review the
> translations. In this process it is likely that the Datameet volunteer
> would sign up to use Transifex and we would send the translator a document
> with all words that need to be translated.
> Do let us know if this workflow makes sense, also any estimate of costs
> that will be involved to use Transifex? and any other challenges we may
> have not thought about
> Best
> Craig
> --
> My Blog: unravellingindia.in
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