[Qgis-tr] Translators list policy

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Wed Jan 10 08:22:20 PST 2018

Hi Robert,

the canonical list of names is this one:


it generates


We do not have a policy, nobody is boo kkeeping the translators list.

I think if you want to add (or remove) a translator, you could do a pull
request, or ask here who you want to be added.

To see history:


But as said, there is no real policy. As we do not have real history data.

If you have an idea, please let us know.


Richard Duivenvoorde

On 10-01-18 00:16, Robert Szczepanek wrote:
> Transifex Webtranslation page for QGIS is on
> https://www.transifex.com/qgis/
> Dear translators,
> I'm coordinator of Polish GUI translation team.
> Many year ago one of my students (Latif Jalil) have made some
> translation of QGIS-GUI to Arabic. In the meantime his name was deleted
> from translators list.
> As a member of very friendly and inclusive QGIS community, I want to ask
> your about project policy concerning list of translators, but this
> problem is more general. Do we have some policy?
> With implementation of Transifex it is even harder to handle, as almost
> everyone can start translating. And this is good, but ...
> 1. Who should be treated as translator? Do you use any thresholds -
> number of phrases, period of activity? I know, this is impossible to
> measure, but should we add person after translation of just few terms?
> 2. When we delete translator from the list? We (PL Team) try to avoid
> it, but as I can see this is not general rule. In my opinion any
> contribution (even the old one) is important and should be mentioned
> somewhere. Cost of this is minimal (just few more lines in panel), and
> people feel much better. We like to cooperate with happy people, don't we?!
> What about writing inactive translators in parenthesis? Inactive - not
> participating in the current release, for example. Or some other rule.
> It could look like:
> Aaaaa Aaaaa, Bbbb Bbbbb, Ccccc Ccccc (Dddd Dddd, Eeee Eeee)
> regards
> Robert Szczepanek
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