[Qgis-tr] Translators list policy

Stefano Campus skampus at gmail.com
Tue Jan 9 15:30:49 PST 2018

in Italy we have the same problem.
Currently, the number of italian translators in transifex is 43: it is the
largest community of translators, but many have never translated any string.
moreover, it is impossible to check the activity of a translator because
very often the reviewer makes small corrections, but once saved the string
is attributed to the user who made the last save.
finally there is the problem of people who has translated before transifex
and now does not participate anymore.
as Robert says, it is a pity not to even remember the old translators


2018-01-10 0:16 GMT+01:00 Robert Szczepanek <robert at szczepanek.pl>:

> Transifex Webtranslation page for QGIS is on
> https://www.transifex.com/qgis/
> Dear translators,
> I'm coordinator of Polish GUI translation team.
> Many year ago one of my students (Latif Jalil) have made some translation
> of QGIS-GUI to Arabic. In the meantime his name was deleted from
> translators list.
> As a member of very friendly and inclusive QGIS community, I want to ask
> your about project policy concerning list of translators, but this problem
> is more general. Do we have some policy?
> With implementation of Transifex it is even harder to handle, as almost
> everyone can start translating. And this is good, but ...
> 1. Who should be treated as translator? Do you use any thresholds - number
> of phrases, period of activity? I know, this is impossible to measure, but
> should we add person after translation of just few terms?
> 2. When we delete translator from the list? We (PL Team) try to avoid it,
> but as I can see this is not general rule. In my opinion any contribution
> (even the old one) is important and should be mentioned somewhere. Cost of
> this is minimal (just few more lines in panel), and people feel much
> better. We like to cooperate with happy people, don't we?!
> What about writing inactive translators in parenthesis? Inactive - not
> participating in the current release, for example. Or some other rule. It
> could look like:
> Aaaaa Aaaaa, Bbbb Bbbbb, Ccccc Ccccc (Dddd Dddd, Eeee Eeee)
> regards
> Robert Szczepanek
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