[Qgis-tr] Removing unused strings from Transifex

Klas Karlsson klaskarlsson at hotmail.com
Tue Oct 2 09:43:23 PDT 2018

Not knowing how one would go about to clean up transifex from unused
strings, I would suggest this:

Since translation is on Master, one possibility is to "clean" the
translations at the time of a new release. This should minimize the
amount of untranslated strings in the actual GUI, at least for actively
translated languages.

The best thing would be if the most resent unused translations could be
saved, but if this is not possible we are at a point when Transifex is
so slow it is really annoying, and I'd rather loose some "almost"
correct strings than keep fighting time when translating.

Something needs to be done.

/Klas Karlsson

Den 2018-10-02 kl. 17:24, skrev Tomas Straupis:
> Transifex Webtranslation page for QGIS is on https://www.transifex.com/qgis/
> Note that there are some "untranslated" strings which differ from old
> ones only by case. Say there is untranslated "Abc def ghi" with
> existing translated string "Abc Def Ghi". If all old strings are
> removed, we will probably not get a suggestion from this old
> translation which is 100% correct.

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