[Qgis-tr] QGIS Desktop Not Showing in Transifex Search Result

Ismail Sunni imajimatika at gmail.com
Thu Oct 17 09:41:40 PDT 2019

Dear QGIS Translation Community,

We are trying to make some tutorial to translate QGIS into our language,
Indonesia. When we try to search QGIS in Transifex, it doesn't show the
QGIS Desktop project. I can see *QGIS Website* and *QGIS Documentation*,
but not *QGIS desktop*. Here is the URL to try:

Of course, we can just write the link to the project (i.e.
https://www.transifex.com/qgis/QGIS/) or the QGIS Organization page (i.e.

I was curious why does this happen, and (probably) it can add more steps to
a newcomer to help to translate.

I also notice that we still use the old 2.x QGIS logo in transifex :)


Best regards.

Ismail Sunni
Software Engineer
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