[QGIS-uk-user] Tickets for QGIS UK in Edinburgh

McDonaldR McDonaldR at angus.gov.uk
Mon Sep 26 01:42:09 PDT 2016


Hi All

The link above will let you order some tickets for a day of open source geo-goodness.

Current list of speakers and talks (most titles still TBC)*

Art Lembo - pyCUDA and embarrassingly parallel solutions
Phil Taylor - how deep is your loch?
EDINA - packaging and deploying QGIS
Fiona Hemsley-Flint - QGIS server
Angus Council - managing associated street data
Stephen Bathgate - decision support systems in forestry
Anouk Lang - a biography mapped
Tom Chadwin - developing for QGIS
Lutra Consulting - WMTS in QGIS (bleeding edge)
thinkWhere - tbc
Ordnance Survey - tbc

The day is supported and sponsored by EDINA, thinkWhere, Ordnance Survey, Angus Council and Cawdor Forestry.

*might be some small variation in the programme on the day.

See you there


Ross McDonald | GIS Data Coordinator | Resources Department, IT Division | Angus Council, Angus House, Orchardbank Business Park, Forfar, DD8 1AT
T: 01307 476419 | F: 01307 476401 | E: mcdonaldr at angus.gov.uk<mailto:mcdonaldr at angus.gov.uk>

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