AW: [Qgis-user] why is EPSG:2180 not recognised?

Jean-Claude Repetto jcrml at
Tue Apr 8 01:10:35 PDT 2008

Richard Duivenvoorde wrote :
> Looking at a freshly downloaded epsg file of the proj lib, I see
>     # WGS 72
>     <4322> +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS72 +no_defs  <>
> The same holds true for 4322, 4622 and 4625
> Can somebody explain to me then why it should be jean-claude's version? 
> Or in other words, if the latest proj doesn't have it, what/who should 
> be the authorative source in this case then?
> The srs.db. is nothing more then the parameters used by proj isn't it? 
> Or am I missing something here?


You can't rely on the epsg file of the PROJ.4 project. Lots of 
parameters are wrong. This is due to a limitation of the automated 
translator that converts the EPSG database to the PROJ.4 epsg file.
Please read this thread on the PROJ.4 ML :

This is Frank Warmerdam's answer :
 > The problem is that if EPSG offers more than one transformation to
 > WGS84 for a datum, the automated translation gives up and offers none
 > of them preferring for the user to make the decision themselves.

I think it would be better to create the srs.db database directly from 
the EPSG database.


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