[Qgis-user] EPSG:2180 not recognised, although present in srs.db

Maciej Sieczka tutey at o2.pl
Tue Apr 8 03:46:14 PDT 2008

Hugentobler Marco pisze:

> It is of course also possible that you update the other entries in
> the sqlite database of qgis.

The outdated srs.db is only one thing, mentioned BTW the main issue. It 
should be discussd separately. Sorry for mixing it in.

The main point of my email was that although QGIS *has* EPSG 2180 in 
it's CS database, it fails to recognize this georeference in a GeoTIFF. 
Looks like a bug, doesn't it?

Try the attached GeotTIFF:

It's in EPSG:2180. QGIS has EPSG:2180 in it's database. The georefernce 
in the GeoTIFF's header is 100% OK. It was created with "gdalwarp -t_srs 
EPSG:2180". Yet QGIS insists it can't recognize the georeference.

However, QGIS does recognize "more generic" georeference in GeoTIFFs, 
like EPSG:4326 (ll/WGS84), EPSG:32633-32635 (UTM 33N-35N), EPSG:4179 
(ll/Krassovsky). Why does it fail on 2180 though?

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