AW: AW: [Qgis-user] why is EPSG:2180 not recognised?

Hugentobler Marco marco.hugentobler at
Tue Apr 8 06:55:39 PDT 2008

Hi Richard,

Thanks for offering your help. Afaik (projection gurus, please correct me where I'm wrong) your understanding is right and it's all about updating the srs.db with sqliteadmin. I think updating is not necessary before a release, it can be done whenever you hear about epsg updates or people tell you about a bug.

So I'm going to add you as maintainer of srs.db to the wiki and will direct people with projection updates to you. I'm not an expert concerning projection specific questions (only one common coordinate system in Switzerland :-) ). If you have any questions, just send a mail to the user and developer list. I think there are a lot of people in the QGIS community with profound knowledge of projections and spatial reference systems.


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Richard Duivenvoorde [mailto:rdmailings at]
Gesendet: Mo 07.04.2008 20:49
An: Hugentobler  Marco
Cc: Jean-Claude Repetto; qgis-user at; tutey at; tim at
Betreff: Re: AW: [Qgis-user] why is EPSG:2180 not recognised?
I've got sqliteadmin ( here, and it seems 
pretty trivial to update the database srs.db with that tool...

Though it might not be that trivial?
Looking at a freshly downloaded epsg file of the proj lib, I see
	# WGS 72
	<4322> +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS72 +no_defs  <>
The same holds true for 4322, 4622 and 4625

Can somebody explain to me then why it should be jean-claude's version? 
Or in other words, if the latest proj doesn't have it, what/who should 
be the authorative source in this case then?
The srs.db. is nothing more then the parameters used by proj isn't it? 
Or am I missing something here?

3328 - 3335 are indeed available in latest proj (and not in srs.db), so 
it should be easy to add them.
same for 3120
same for 3066

If I can count on some help with projection-specific questions, I can 
make it a part of my 'release-team' work? I will add it to the 
release-checklist in wiki then.

Is it ok to update it for every release, or for every 'bug' people find 
in it?


Richard Duivenvoorde

Hugentobler Marco wrote:
> Hi Maciej, Jean-Claude
>> Please don't tell me that I can send a patch with updates for the CS 
>> database. That would fix only my problem, while EPSG database has lots 
>> of fixes and additions in each new version, which get included in new 
>> releases of PROJ, GDAL, GRASS but not in QGIS.
> It is of course also possible that you update the other entries in the sqlite database of qgis.
> Ideal would be a volunteer that acts as a maintainer of srs.db and updates it in regular periods.
> Regards,
> Marco 
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: qgis-user-bounces at im Auftrag von Jean-Claude Repetto
> Gesendet: Mo 07.04.2008 10:09
> An: qgis-user at
> Betreff: Re: [Qgis-user] why is EPSG:2180 not recognised?
> Maciej Sieczka wrote :
>> QGIS CS database is severly outdated.
> Hello,
> I agree.
> Other examples :
> WGS72 (EPSG 4322)
> ----------------
> The QGIS database contains :
> +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS72 +no_defs
> It should be :
> +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS72 +towgs84=0,0,4.5,0,0,0.554,0.219 +no_defs
> (look at <>)
> Guadeloupe 1948 (EPSG 4622)
> ---------------------------
> The QGIS database contains :
> +proj=longlat +ellps=intl +no_defs
> It should be :
> +proj=longlat +ellps=intl 
> +towgs84=-472.29,-5.63,-304.12,0.4362,-0.8374,0.2563,1.8984 +no_defs
> Martinique 1938 (EPSG 4625)
> ---------------------------
> The QGIS database contains :
> +proj=longlat +ellps=intl +no_defs  <>
> It should be :
> +proj=longlat +ellps=intl 
> +towgs84=126.93,547.94,130.41,-2.7867,5.1612,-0.8584,13.8227 +no_defs
> Conclusion : Don't trust the EPSG database, allways check the parameters.
> Jean-Claude
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