[Qgis-user] Re: Qgis-user Digest, Vol 34, Issue 3

Maurício de Paulo mauricio.dev at gmail.com
Wed Dec 3 04:44:05 PST 2008

Well, I've used the same lines you sugested for minimum version.
Fixed the whole layer (actually I implemented it in a different way in the
first time, but now it should work as expected). Now if the box is checked
the first action is to select every feature in the layer.
I've started using an script to clean and pack the scripts. I didn't know
about the pyc problem.
The extent shouldn't be a problem as I inserted an updateExtents() in the
end before the zoomToSelected().
I hope now it's ok.
Maurício de Paulo

On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 10:08 AM, Maurício de Paulo
<mauricio.dev at gmail.com>wrote:

> And thanks Borys for the tips on the standards. I'm still not used to the
> new standards (not even the older ones). Is there any place where I can read
> the updated standards?
> On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 9:52 AM, Maurício de Paulo <mauricio.dev at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Ok, I found a major bug on affine transformation on polygons (because one
>> vertex repeats). As a plus I added an UNDO button,the dialog doesn't close
>> anymore, and I (finally) added a (very ugly) icon. Any new icons are
>> welcome.
>> I'm uploading the 0.2 version now in the repository. As usual, official
>> repository.
>> Maurício de Paulo
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