[Qgis-user] WMS in QGIS: no map displayed

Marco Hugentobler marco.hugentobler at karto.baug.ethz.ch
Fri Feb 15 03:13:18 PST 2008

Hi Yves,

What is the capabilities output for the layer departements? I have no problem 
with the wms layers I'm using here, so it may have something to do about how 
the server specifies the bounding box in your particular case and how QGIS 
interprets it.


Am Donnerstag 14 Februar 2008 14:08:13 schrieb Jacolin Yves:
> Hi,
> I send again this email in order to know if this is a known bug.
> The description was:
> > I have a small problem with my own WMS service. I don't know where to
> > ask, as you can see, it is not easy to find the reason of my problem.
> >
> > Description: A WMS Service is hosted in my localhost, using mapserver
> > 4.10.3. This WMS is working with my navigator (by requesting directly
> > the server), with gvSIG.
> >
> > With QGIS, this is completly different, this is not link to one
> > release as I tested it with the 0.8.1, 0.9.1 and the futur 0.9.2. The
> > layer is loaded in QGIS, nothing appear in the map windows, if I
> > click right on the layer name to load the properties windows, I can
> > see the result of the GetCapabilities request (well I suppose that it
> > is a result from the GetCapabilities request). I can see all
> > information about my layers.
> >
> > Do you know why my map does not appear in the map windows ?
> Yes I know ;) ...
> I find where the problem is:
> Here is the request send by QGIS:
> http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv_wms?
> 	REQUEST=GetMap&
> 	BBOX=203772.550229,2397786.527221,289662.028017,2470855.241209&
> 	SRS=EPSG:27582&
> 	WIDTH=892&HEIGHT=758&
> 	LAYERS=departements&
> Here is the correct one (the boox is not equivalent to the last request but
> both are close to Paris, France):
> http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv_wms?SERVICE=WMS&
> 	VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&
> 	BBOX=601145.6388854936,2424122.2621656144,604743.970275728,2426768.0940701
>99& SRS=EPSG:27582&
> 	WIDTH=892&HEIGHT=758&
> 	LAYERS=departements&
> The two bbox are **completly** different! And the second one
> (601145,2424122) seems correct to me.
> All projections are correct: projection project: 27582, mapfile: 27582,
> etc.
> Any ideas?
> Y.

Dr. Marco Hugentobler
Institute of Cartography
ETH Zurich
Technical Advisor QGIS Project Steering Committee

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