[Qgis-user] Configuring with ccmake, BINDINGS_GLOBAL_INSTALL

Craig Leat craig.leat at gmail.com
Tue Jul 22 06:46:51 PDT 2008


I am attempting to build qgis trunk for the first time and I'm having
some trouble configuring with ccmake. I'm stuck on the option:
"BINDINGS_GLOBAL_INSTALL: Install bindings to global python directory?
(might need root)" and although I have tried "yes" and "no" (as normal
user and as root) I am unable to proceed. I have attached the file
CMakeCache.txt in case I have missed some dependency.

My system:
qgis trunk revision 8821
ubuntu 7.10 (32 bit)
python 2.5.1
Built from source: gdal 1.5, GRASS 6.4, GRASS plugin
All other packages installed from the ubuntu repositories.

All pointers are welcome, thanks

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