[Qgis-user] zoom to point/edit point coordinates

Borys Jurgiel borys at wolf.most.org.pl
Wed Nov 12 06:15:58 PST 2008

Wednesday 12 of November 2008 14:48:40 Tim Sutton napisaƂ(a):
> Hi
> One way I thought we could do this is that if the user double clicks
> on the canvas while in edit mode we pop up a small dialog to let them
> enter x &y. If the double click is on an existing node, the node would
> be moved. If its on a non-node, a new vertex can be added there.
> How does that sound?

Another idea is to use a small dock with two input lines and the 'apply' 
button. It would appear every time user enters the editing mode and display 
coordinates of the currently selected vertex. Unfortunately, it reduces the 
working area... 

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