[Qgis-user] Python binding for QgsMessageViewer

Möri Cedric Cedric.Moeri at bd.so.ch
Thu Nov 20 07:59:59 PST 2008


In my current phyton plugin, I'd like to use QgsMessageViewer. It works well except for the setCheckBoxQSettingLabel which gives a attriubte error. 
Am I right, that this method is good to set a Qsetting to true or false? I'd like to have a "don't show this message again" kind of dialog and so it would be great if this could be added in the bindings, as I'm guessing that the error is triggerd by a missing binding.

best regards

PS: thanks a lot to Martin for the qgsMapCanvasSnapper and the correction of the deactivate of the MapTools. All this stuff works very well now!

mit freundlichen Grüssen

Cédric Möri

Kanton Solothurn
Bau- und Justizdepartement
Amt für Geoinformation
Rötistrasse 4
4501 Solothurn

Telefon: +41 (0)32 627 24 75
Telefax: +41 (0)32 627 22 14
mailto:cedric.moeri at bd.so.ch

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