[Qgis-user] reference raster layers

Michael Neubauer Neubauer-Michael at gmx.net
Tue Sep 30 10:50:38 PDT 2008

Hello Bernando,

when both, raster and vector layer, use the same projection, they should be in 
the right place and in the right position to each other. So you cannot 
just "move" the layers.

Maybe you should try to change the projection for the whole project. So go to 
> settings > project properties > projection and activate "on the fly 
projection" now you could try to change the projection for the whole project. 
e.g. just try the UTM coordinates for your zone and see what that does.

But maybe just your maps are not referenced correctly. When you know the 
coordinates for one point on your map, you can put the cursor on this point 
and check the displayed coordinates at the right bottom of your screen.

Good luck


p.s.: I had problems with the correct reference system at the beginning as 
well; see: 

Am Dienstag 30 September 2008 10:27:56 schrieb Bernardo Rossi Doria:
> hello,
> I am new to qgis.
> Need help
> I imported successfully a group of raster  GeoTiff layers (Maps)
> then I imported a referenced vector layer (Map of municipalities
> borders officially distributed)
> they are both (raster and vector) with the same projection (WGS84
> +no_defs) but they have different origins so the do not overlap.
> How to move the raster layers in the correct scale and/or position?
> thankyou all
> bernardo
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