[Qgis-user] Building QGIS 1.0.0 on RHEL4 x86-64
paulo.estrela at petrobras.com.br
paulo.estrela at petrobras.com.br
Thu Apr 16 12:02:36 PDT 2009
Hi Juha,
I built all qgis dependencies including qt4 for rhel4. I got the sources
(version 4.4.2) from www.qtsoftware.com and installed them in
/usr/local/qt4. I cannot change to Fedora because my clients use some
proprietary geological interpretation software. As a test I will try
Paulo José Braga Estrela
PETROBRAS - Tecnologia da Informação e Telecomunicações
Analista de Sistemas Jr.
EDIBA - Av. Antônio Carlos Magalhães, 1113, 3º Andar
Juha Tuomala <Juha.Tuomala at iki.fi> gravou em 16/04/2009 15:40:57:
> On Thursday 16 April 2009 20:58:58 paulo.estrela at petrobras.com.br wrote:
> > I'm trying to install QGIS 1.0.0 on a RHEL4 x86-64 box and I'm having
> > problems with make. I did the following:
> RHEL4 comes with Qt-3.x and qgis requires Qt-4.x so it wont work.
> I recommend that for desktop use you try Fedora, there Qgis is just
> one yum install command away, already packaged.
> rpm -qi qgis
> Name : qgis Relocations: (not
> Version : 1.0.1 Vendor: Fedora Project
> Release : 1.fc10 Build Date: Thu 19 Feb
> 2009 01:01:40 AM EET
> Install Date: Fri 20 Mar 2009 10:15:08 AM EET Build Host:
> xenbuilder4.fedora.phx.redhat.com
> Group : Applications/Engineering Source RPM: qgis-1.0.
> 1-1.fc10.src.rpm
> Size : 12565739 License: GPLv2+
> Signature : DSA/SHA1, Tue 03 Mar 2009 02:29:34 PM EET, Key ID
> bf226fcc4ebfc273
> Packager : Fedora Project
> URL : http://qgis.org/
> Summary : A user friendly Open Source Geographic Information System
> Br,
> Tuju
> --
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