[Qgis-user] Graticules

John C. Tull jctull at gmail.com
Tue Jan 27 10:44:26 PST 2009

On Jan 27, 2009, at 3:13 AM, Nikos Alexandris wrote:

> On Tue, 2009-01-27 at 12:33 +0200, Micha Silver wrote:
>> Agustin Lobo wrote:
>>> Not sure if Tools/Sampling Tool is the appropriate place for the  
>>> user
>>> to find this tool, though.
>> IMHO it should be part of the print composer. Normally graticules/ 
>> grids
>> are an element of the final printed map.
> Hi! I don't disagree that normally a grid is part of the final map.  
> But
> there are many occasions where it helps better "orientation" while
> interpreting an image for example, or dividing a digitisation work in
> "blocks"... and more.
> And there is always the option to load it in the final map. But not  
> the
> opposite, from the print composer to the map canvas. Right?

I agree that uses extend beyond a printed map, but it would be nice to  
have a print composer option where labeling of gridlines can be  
managed more easily than in the map canvas. I am thinking of  
MAPSERVER's implementation where you can have labels on the map edge  
only for graticule lines. That is an implementation that works nicely  
for final maps to be used in the field with a GPS device.

See http://mapserver.org/mapfile/grid.html for a good implementation  
for final map products.


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