[Qgis-user] Re: manageR update

A. Ghisla a.ghisla at studenti.uninsubria.it
Wed Jan 28 00:36:04 PST 2009

Hello Carson,

On Tuesday 27 January 2009 20:18:49 Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Carson Farmer ha scritto:
> > Apologies for the delay, the original idea was to update manageR to the
> > latest R version, but I have not got that far yet, so at this point, it
> > will only work with R version <= 2.6.2 I believe...
> Anne Ghisla has already struggled a bit around this for her HomeRange
> plugin, so she might be able to help.

"Struggled a bit" is euphemistic... anyway, the homerange plugin now works 
with rpy2 :D
The only difficulties I found in updating the code come from a reorganisation 
of the modes (BASIC_MODE and others), that are accessed in a different way, 
and dataframe handling.
I decided not to put the different "forks" inside the application code, but 
instead there is a selective import at the beginning of plugin.py, that sets 
for each version of rpy the correct syntax of some functions.

Feel free to pick up ideas in the code of the plugin, available on Faunalia 
repo via Plugin Installer, or on SVN. [0]
I'll be also on IRC for further information :)



[0] http://wiki.qgis.org/qgiswiki/GSoC2008Rbinding

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