[Qgis-user] qgis bugs

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Mon Jun 29 01:30:05 PDT 2009

Alex Mandel ha scritto:

> Maybe we can post a letter to CTO/Decision makers and put a donate to
> the bug squashing effort page on the QGIS site. That way larger entities
> that are using QGIS might get the message. IE: the IT person goes to the
> site for a download and see's the letter, passes it to their boss and
> says, we should contribute as it will help our bottom line.

Don't you think http://qgis.org/en/sponsorship.html is enough? In which
way do you suggest to edit it?

> At this point we just may not have reached the right ears with the
> message since the mailing list is a very small number of actual users
> and the wiki site, well somehow I doubt many people stumble across that.

You may be right: do you suggest the download page should have a "why to
donate" link somehwere, or something else?
Thanks for the suggestions.
Paolo Cavallini: http://www.faunalia.it/pc

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