[Fwd: Re: [Qgis-user] Projection not recognised EPSG:31259]
Albin Blaschka
albin.blaschka at gmail.com
Tue Mar 24 04:09:49 PDT 2009
[First time, the mail went just to Werner, so, here I am forwarding it
to the list - sorry!]
Werner Macho wrote:
> And as you can see they are freely providie by the austrian government.
> Looking in the provided .prj file there is definitly a
> MGI_Austria_GK_M34 used .. so my guess is it should be recognised as a
> EPSG ID:31259.
> In fact the strings look nearly the same but
> +towgs84=577.326,90.129,463.919,5.137,1.474,5.297,2.4232
> is missing.
> So can somebody tell me where the thing is going wrong? I know it IS
> EPSG 31259 but why is it not recognised and where is the failure?
> Is the provided .PRJ file wrong? (as we all know - even governments can
> fail) or is there some "translating"-problem?
> I guess the provided .PRJ is out of ESRI as it is recognised with ESRI
> without any problem.
> Probably I havev to tell my government that they are failing but please
> tell me where and when what goes wrong..
> Or probably tell me on which mailing list this mail belongs
> thx in advance
> Werner
I had also problems with ESRI-generated .prj - Files for Austria (in my
case M31) - I solved it by manually editing the .prj - File respectively
using those I have attached...
See also the following page: http://www.alectoria.at/content/view/17/1/
| Albin Blaschka, Mag. rer.nat - Salzburg, Austria
| http://www.albinblaschka.info http://www.thinkanimal.info
| It's hard to live in the mountains, hard, but not hopeless!
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