[Qgis-user] Maximum length for text attribute in shape?

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Tue May 12 01:55:54 PDT 2009

What version of QGIS, which Operating System and if you know what
version of GDAL.

We'll need that info to try and repeat the issue.


Michael Pfeiffer wrote:
> Hi Alex
> thanks for answering.
> two ways how I get the result:
> a) Make a new empty Shapefile and generate a string attribute.
> Trying to write more than 80 signs doesn't work.
> b) Load a database layer with a attribute having more than 80 signs.
> Convert it to a Shapefile.
> The text is cut off after 80 signs.
> So it seems to be a Qgis problem and not a format problem.
> Alex Mandel-2 wrote:
>> Michael Pfeiffer wrote:
>>> Hi list,
>>> is it possible that the maximum length of a text attribute (Shape Format)
>>> is
>>> limited to 80 signs?
>>> Or am I doing sth wrong?
>>> If not why is it limited to 80 signs and not to the normal 254 dbf signs?
>>> We are using Version 10691.
>>> thx
>>> Michael
>> It's important to remember that each file type has it's own limitations.
>> In the case of the shapefile there are all sorts of known and unknown
>> things.
>> http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.3/index.cfm?TopicName=Geoprocessing%20considerations%20for%20shapefile%20output
>> That said it is odd that it would be limited to 80 characters.
>> What we're you doing to discover this? Please describe the function
>> tools and procedures you used that made you think it was not taking more
>> than 80 characters.
>> We're you editing data in QGIS, or just viewing data? Or did you edit
>> the dbf in something else?
>> Thanks,
>> Alex
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