[Qgis-user] basic raster processing

John Callahan john.callahan at UDel.Edu
Thu May 21 04:52:16 PDT 2009

I'm relatively new to QGIS.  I've used it for viewing various sources of 
data and some vector editing and geoprocessing.  Now, I'd like to do 
some basic raster processing, like simply multiplying and adding 
rasters, conditional expressions (e.g., if value < 0, then = 0, else 
value), slope, aspect, etc....

What is the method to do these via QGIS?   GRASS may be an option but I 
understand it takes some preprocessing to get your files into GRASS 
datasets, which could be a lot of work (numerous data sets, some several 
GBs in size.)    Thanks.

- John

John Callahan
Geospatial Application Developer
Delaware Geological Survey, University of Delaware
227 Academy St, Newark DE 19716-7501
Tel: (302) 831-3584  
Email: john.callahan at udel.edu

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