[Qgis-user] Re: QGIS intallation, Windows XP, TIFFUnsetField, libtiff.dll

Patrick Giraudoux patrick.giraudoux at univ-fcomte.fr
Mon Nov 30 01:00:19 PST 2009

Agustin Lobo a écrit :
> Patrick,
> Yours seems to be a different problem. I had libtiff.dll in both 
> C:\windows\system32 and C:\OSGeo4W\bin. Deleting the in
> C:\windows\system32 solved the problem. So you should not
> move libtiff.dll into C:/WINDOWS/system32
> Have you tried gdalinfo -version on the osgeo console?

Yes indeed:
U:\Documents and Settings\pgiraudo\Mes documents>gdalinfo --version
GDAL 1.6.0dev, FWTools 2.2.8, released 2008/10/29

> In any case, you should send your question to osgeo4w-dev at lists.osgeo.org
> also.

OK. I must first register...

> I'm now reviewing the osgeo4w installation, which I do for students
> only as I prefer ubuntu for my own work. I think that
> the best is using the automatic installation for GDAL and GRASS
> (not for QGIS, as this installs a very old version) first (which takes
> a looong time) and the use the Advenced installation to select QGIS 
> under the desktop section, plus the libraries I mentioned in step 6 in
> http://sites.google.com/site/eospansite/qsig-for-windows
> (but note that the rest of those directions are outdated)
> It seems we are getting good results with this procedure, but we are 
> really
> looking into it now. My main OS is not windows.
> Agus

OK will try and do it ASAP and come back to the list with results.

> Patrick Giraudoux wrote:
>>> Hi Patrick,
>>> On Sun, 29. Nov 2009 at 12:06:45 +0100, Patrick Giraudoux wrote:
>>> > I have seen on the list that Agustin Lobo had a quite similar 
>>> trouble:
>>> > 
>>> <http://n2.nabble.com/Problem-with-TIFFSetField-in-*libtiff*-*dll*-td2271128.html 
>>> <http://n2.nabble.com/Problem-with-TIFFSetField-in-libtiff-dll-td2271128.html>>, 
>>> > but I cannot find out if whether it was solved or not and if so 
>>> how...
>>> In that thread Frank suspected that there is a *libtiff*.*dll* in 
>>> Agus system32
>>> directory.  That was the case and Agus removed it.  That helped.
>> Yes, but I found that libtiff.dll was NOT in C:/WINDOWS/system32, but 
>> is well present in C:\OSGeo4W\bin
>>> Unfortunately it's not possible to have *Windows* find OSGeo4W's 
>>> *libtiff*.*dll*
>>> before the one in system32 and removing it or replacing it with the 
>>> OSGeo4W
>>> version might break the software that originally put it there.
>>> But in that case it might help to put the original *libtiff*.*dll* 
>>> into the same
>>> directory as the .EXE of the other software.
>> This is not clear to me. libtiff.dll is currently in C:\OSGeo4W\bin 
>> where I can find qgis.bat but not qgis.exe. Do you mean that I should 
>> move libtiff.dll into C:/WINDOWS/system32 ?
>> Thanks for the hint,
>> Patrick
>>> Jürgen
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