[Qgis-user] Nearest neighbour analysis

Carson Farmer carson.farmer at gmail.com
Tue Dec 7 11:53:40 PST 2010

Hi Kurt,

> I've been playing with some of Qgis's vector analysis tools.  Has anyone tried using the Nearest neighbour analysis, under Vector=>Analysis Tools?  I have tried it and after seeing the black and white wheel for a while, nothing happens.  How long should it take, depending on the population size?  I've tried populations as small as five and bigger.
I just tested this using the 'popp' point layer from the vmap0 QGIS
sample data, and it ran in about 1 second (incidentally, the nearest
neighbour index turns out to be 0.4 for this dataset). I also tested
it with larger and smaller layers and all seemed fine. Which OS and
version of QGIS & GDAL are you running?


Carson J. Q. Farmer
ISSP Doctoral Fellow
National Centre for Geocomputation
National University of Ireland, Maynooth,

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