[Qgis-user] export to new projection not working

M.E.Dodd m.e.dodd at open.ac.uk
Fri Dec 17 05:35:47 PST 2010

The issue about length of field was the problem, thanks.
Might be useful to have an error message on this.  This error message does appear if you try to save the mapinfo file as a shapefile in qgis but does not appear if you try to export to new projection in the data management tools.

-----Original Message-----
From: Craig Leat [mailto:craig.leat at gmail.com] 
Sent: 17 December 2010 12:35
To: qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org; m.e.dodd at open.ac.uk
Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] export to new projection not working

M.E.Dodd wrote:
> Am I doing something silly here, I have a file open in qgis 1.6 on windows pc then go to vector>data management>export to new projection.  Then choose the projection and filename and press ok but nothing happens.
> The vector layer open in qgis comes originally from mapinfo (as .tab), it is in osgb 1936, and I am trying to save as a shapefile in WGS 84 or one of the other CRS's.
> I have used this tool once or twice and its worked but normally it does not work.  So far I have not found which types of files it works with and which ones fail.

Creation of the shapefile will fail if the attribute columns are not
unique. dbf has a ten character limit for column names and so unique
fields in the tab file may no longer be unique in a dbf after



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