[Qgis-user] Fwd: Import _and_ process DXF?

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Wed Feb 3 23:44:39 PST 2010


While gdal 1.7 already creates dxf read/write support, it cannot yet be
reliably used with QGIS. QGIS would first have to be optimized to handle
the geometry that gdal sends and to interpret OGR feature styling. The
problem is that DXF mixes different geometry types
(point,linestring,polygon,labels), while QGIS can only handle one geometry
type per layer.

There will be some work for better dxf handling in the upcoming months,
but for now, the recommended way is to use the dxf2shp plugin, FME, gdal
commandline - output to several other files, or other options.


On Wed, February 3, 2010 1:04 pm, Zoran Jankovic wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 11:47 AM, Lionel Roubeyrie
> <lroubeyrie at limair.asso.fr
>> wrote:
>> Hi Zoran,
>> there's a dxf2shp plugin working perfectly on your file.
>> Cordialy
> Yes, it creates shapefile with polylines, and even a separate shapefile
> with
> text (if you check the "Export text labels". But, it does not (can not?)
> create _polygon_ shapefile, nor there is a way to associate parcel number
> to
> the parcel shape... That was the question ;-).
> As for the new GDAL/OGR: Osgeo4win installer says the highest supported
> version is 1.5.4-4 (Exp setting).
>> Le 03/02/2010 11:34, Zoran Jankovic a écrit :
>>> I'm resending, the first one seemed to bounce as too big...
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Zoran Jankovic<zoran.jankovic at zisis.hr>
>>> Date: Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 9:27 AM
>>> Subject: Import _and_ process DXF?
>>> To: qgis-user<qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org>
>>> Hi,
>>> I have cadastrial data like the sample in the attachment. It's layered
>>> DXF,
>>> with parcel numbers as block references in the layer "1_kc_broj", and
>>> the
>>> "main" layer of cadastrial parcel boundaries is "1_kc_medja".
>>> I would like to import this DXF into SHP (or directly to PostGIS?)
>>> _with
>>> the
>>> attribute "parcel_number" as well.
>>> Over the years I have used trial versions of FME, and this can be done,
>>> of
>>> course, using this - let's say it gently - not so cheap commercial
>>> application. Could it be done in QGIS (some plugins I am not aware of)?
>>> Best regards,
>>> ---
>>> Zoran Jankovic
>>> ZIS-Izrada softvera i savjetovanje / ZIS - Software Development and
>>> Consulting
>>> http://www.zisis.hr
>>> M: 00 385 98 682 902
>>> T:  00 385 44 683 374
>>> A. Senoe 4
>>> 44320 Kutina
>>> Croatia
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>> --
>> Lionel Roubeyrie - lroubeyrie at limair.asso.fr
>> Chargé d'études
>> LIMAIR - la Surveillance de l'Air en Limousin
>> http://www.limair.asso.fr
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Andreas Neumann

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