[Qgis-user] Hello
Pierre Chevalier Géologue
pierrechevaliergeol at free.fr
Sat Jan 16 02:41:06 PST 2010
paul ferro claviota:
> Hi Pierre or anyone else that has success with connecting to a GPS
> with QGIS through the GPS plugin.
I Haven't tried this since a long time: gpsbabel works so well that I
don't really need this extension. But I'll try it right now, and I'll
tell you about it shortly.
> I am trying to connect a Garmin GPS that has a com to usb converter
> cable.
I think I have such a cable somewhere. I don't need it any more, since
my garmin device has a USB port.
> Other apps. read my GPS from COM3, and work just fine.
> I just installed QGIS 1.4, and GPS babel is installed, and I have set
> the PATH under environmental variables so that QGIS will see
> gpsbabel. But whenever I go to download from my GPS,
Looks good, so far.
> I either get the message that 'GPS Babel would not start',
Is gpsbabel in the search path of your system?
<troll>Do you use a modern operating system, with a Unix-type
architecture, or one of these old-fashioned things which used to be
sold, especially during the last century? I think it was called
Crimosoft windows, or something similar. (sorry, I couldn't help...)
These old, inefficient, etc. systems are really troublesome, as far as
multiple search paths are concerned. Apparently, this seems to be your
case, since you have to set PATH variable.</troll> Maybe there is
another variable required?
> or 'this layer could not be added to the map'
Does this message appear _after_ the data was downloaded?
> What is the code that you are using for your GPS unit under devices in
> the GPS Device Editor?
> The default for Garmin under the waypoint command is %gpsbabel -w -i
> garmin -o gpx "%in" "%out"
> I've also tried %babel -w -i garmin -f COM: -o gpx -F gps.gpx but
> have not had luck.
This is the command line I use:
gpsbabel -t -w -i garmin -o gpx -f /dev/ttyUSB0 -F tmp.gpx
It is included in a complete script that I use regularly.
Here is the script I use to dump my gps: it creates some backups, does
some stuff, and eventually adds data to my main gps log file
(gps_log.gpx). It is a bash script. I'm afraid the comments are in
French, but it is quite understandable, I believe. There is still a bit
of paranoid backups, you may notice; I'll remove them, one day:
echo "Dompage de la montre garmin forerunner dans ~/gps/gps_log.gpx"
cd ~/gps #_domps_montre_garmin_forerunner
echo "Sauvegarde du gps/gps_log.gpx précédent dans .okz"
cd .okz
#tiré de mkdiraujourdhui
i=`date +%Y_%m_%d`
mkdir $i && ls -trlh | tail -1
cd ..
cp gps_log.gpx .okz/$(ls .okz/ -trp | grep \/ | tail -1)
#allons chercher les données du gps
echo "Dompage des données du gps, préalablement convenablement raccordé"
echo "..."
gpsbabel -t -w -i garmin -o gpx -f /dev/ttyUSB0 -F tmp.gpx
#pour enlever les:
# <cmt>^D#</cmt>
# <desc>^D#</desc>
# disgrâcieux qui embêtent qgis:
echo "nettoyage..."
grep -v \# < tmp.gpx > tmp2.gpx
#filtrons la sortie, manière de nettoyer un peu:
#d'abord, on assemble les traces en une trace
echo "rassemblage des traces en une seule..."
gpsbabel -t -i gpx -f tmp2.gpx -x track,merge -o gpx -F tmp3.gpx
#puis on redivise tout ça, en fonction du temps. On sépare les
tracés quand il y a plus d'une demi-heure entre chaque point (GPS
éteint ou sans couverture sat: ça évite les longs tronçons droits
disgrâcieux quand on paume les satellites), et on met un titre
explicite au tracé, généré à partir de la date&heure
echo "puis redivision de la trace en fonction des arrêts de plus de
30 minutes..."
gpsbabel -t -i gpx -f tmp3.gpx -x
track,pack,split=30m,title="%Y_%m_%d %r" -o gpx -F tmp4.gpx
#gpsbabel -t -w -i garmin -o gpx -f domp_gps_forerunner_log.gpx -i
gpx -f tmp2.gpx -F tmp3.gpx
#marche plus, le 19/10/2008
#puis on rassemble avec le fichier principal où on logge tout, en
excluant les duplicates:
echo "puis on rassemble avec le fichier principal où on logge tout,
en excluant les duplicates..."
gpsbabel -t -w -i gpx -f gps_log.gpx -i gpx -f tmp4.gpx -x
duplicate,location -o gpx -F tmp5.gpx
#on renomme le dernier fichier temporaire avec la date courante:
echo "on renomme le dernier fichier temporaire avec la date courante..."
i=domp_gps_`date +"%F-%Hh%M"`.gpx
mv tmp4.gpx $i
#quelques sauvegardes, un peu parano, mais tout ça est en cours
d'écriture; on supprimera quand on sera sûr de soi:
echo "quelques sauvegardes de plus..."
cp gps_log_dernier.gpx gps_log_avant_dernier.gpx
cp gps_log.gpx gps_log_dernier.gpx
#Et finalement, on renomme le dernier vers LE fichier contenant tous
les tracés:
echo "Finalement, on renomme le dernier vers LE fichier contenant
tous les tracés"
mv tmp5.gpx gps_log.gpx
echo "ménage"
rm tmp.gpx
rm tmp2.gpx
rm tmp3.gpx
#mv domp_gps_forerunner_log_dernier.gpx
#mv domp_gps_forerunner_log.gpx domp_gps_forerunner_log_dernier.gpx
#mv tmp3.gpx domp_gps_forerunner_log.gpx
#rm dernier_domp_gps_forerunner.gpx
#ln -s tmp_domp_gps_forerunner_`date +"%F-%Hh%M"`_pt_trk.gpx
#regardons un peu le résultat: on lance viking
echo "regardons un peu le résultat: on lance viking"
viking gps_log.gpx $i
#puis on revient où on était au départ
cd -
For some reason, strange characters appear in the .gpx from gpsbabel.
And qgis or viking don't like them. This is the reason why I do the
grep, to remove the troublesome lines:
grep -v \# < tmp.gpx > tmp2.gpx
I should have issued a bug report, on this one, I think...
Pierre Chevalier Géologue EI
Mesté Duran
32100 Condom
Tél+fax : 09 75 27 45 62
05 62 28 06 83
06 37 80 33 64
Émail : pierrechevaliergeolCHEZfree.fr
icq# : 10432285
skype : pierre.chevalier1967
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