[Qgis-user] Points2one - group by input field

MORREALE Jean Roc jr.morreale at enoreth.net
Fri Jun 4 11:56:04 PDT 2010

Le 04/06/2010 20:27, nikos ves a écrit :
> On Fri, 2010-06-04 at 14:47 +0200, MORREALE Jean Roc wrote:
>> It would be great if the plugin could parse the file, group the
>> feature points sequentially by the input field and only then draw
>> the polygon as it would allows a surveyer to stop collecting a
>> long feature to collect a small nearby feature and then resume on
>> the previous one.
> It's not my plugin, so I wont judge if it needs to be fixed or not.
> But for as I see, its not a valid bug. What happens if there are two
> diff polygons of the same attribute? for example, if the user wants
> A:1/2/3, B:3/4/5, A:6/7/8 instead of A:1/2/3/6/7/8 ( points (1 2 3)
> and (6 7 8) are far away from each other)

I'm not claiming it to be a bug

about the use case you're evocating it's actually my situation, each 
feature as a number to identify it but what if there is to be several 
versions ? To avoid this we add an other code to bring this precision 
then we concatenate the first field with the second to create the the 
final input field.

The other fields are kept and used to join the geometries to their 
records in the database. This doesn't add much work on the surveyer 
(with a gis you don't have to record the myriad of codes necessary for 
label's display like most do for autocad)or back at the office, in the 
same way we collect the geom type to ease the sorting the data to 
prepare it for points2one

> An option to be more strict with the topology, so we all be happy,
> would be nice, no doubt.
> But for now, what you need is merging two shapes into one, and i
> almost certain that there's a tool for that

Merging a few features in qgis is fine but merging a lot them can get 
quickly tedious, it also needs a human which can merge more that 
excepted after a day at an archaeological's excavation :p

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