[Qgis-user] - Layout page set up Qgis 1.5 (r13629)

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Fri Jun 4 21:30:15 PDT 2010

Il 04/06/2010 17:32, Camilla Dibari ha scritto:

> issue: when I try to modify the page set up in a layout (e.g. from A4
> orizontal to vertical) the white page on the background disappears and
> if I export the map either in pdf or any image format, the exporting
> process is not accomplished.
> Is this maybe due to the Windows platform?
> Is there anyone who encountered the same problem?
> Shall I open a new ticket on this topic?

Checked, and cannot confirm this on Debian.
I think opening a ticket is a good thing to do, if anybody else confirms the problem.
Please note: also the quickprint has win-specific bugs, I think they must be solved
before release.
All the best.
Paolo Cavallini: http://www.faunalia.it/pc

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